Activate your Life Purpose, Step into your Power & Unlock Financial Abundance

Claim Your Spot

Do you feel like you were put on this Earth for a big mission?


But maybe you are not sure what that mission is..


Maybe you have tried everything under the sun and you still cannot find what your purpose is..


Or maybe you do know but you are running around in circles fearful to start..


Wealth Codes was created for the mystics, the leaders, the rebels to..

unlock their life’s purpose in a joyful way


accelerate their money making abilities to attract wealth in a heart centered way


and rise into their leadership role of power and purpose..



I am Ella and I am an extremely passionate person about creating a New Earth but it was not always like this..


Before I understood how to harness my purpose and unlock my passion I was what some people call a “broke healer”..


I felt if I give give give and be overly kind money will just come.. This was sadly not the case..


I was pouring my heart and soul into my work but nothing was returning.. I was so frustrated and mad with the Universe..


What I now see I was subscribed to good girl programming thinking if I do the “right” thing I will be rewarded..


I now understand when you are brave, bold and BIG in your vision great things happen and this transformation starts with YOU making the decision for more TODAY.


I realized if I want to create big change in this world, live from my purpose and generate wealth doing so I had to understand wealth is a by product of how valuable I know I am..


Shortly after I was able to generate 3 six figure businesses from my passion. People around me were SHOCKED.. 



But the reason was I started to feel deeply worthy of money.. I started roaring my voice online with the resilience of passion I held.. I started allowing myself to be FULLY seen.. Something a lot of lightworkers have a hard time doing..


I knew I had to live, breathe and embody my purpose as power and from this place I was able to generate wealth..


This is why I have created Wealth Codes because I want the same for you..


I want you to wake up with resilient passion in your craft KNOWING deep in your bones the world needs your unique medicine, your powerful voice and your phenomenal service..


In order for great change in your finances you have to make the energetic decision that you are going to go all in on your purpose and start creating big change..


Wealth Codes is a 6 Week Program to unlock your life's purpose, reclaim your bold power and generate wealth because YOU DESERVE IT.


Come see what the program entails..




6 Weeks to Unlocking your New Earth Purpose & Turning Power, Passion & Purpose into Profit


Week 1 🌎 

Accessing your  Source of Power

- Connecting to your Source of Creation

- Morning Devotion

- Money & Purpose Altar


Week 2 🌎 

Your Unique Medicine

- Your Divine Life Mission & Purpose

- Your Unique Medicine/Gift

- Following the Creational Cue of your Heart 


Week 3 🌎 

Crafting your Offer

- Finding what makes you Unique

- Stepping into your Leadership Role

- The energy you want to create in your practices and services 


Week 4 🌎 

 Wealth Codes

- Accessing, living and breathing your Inner Wealth

- New Earth Wealth Paradigm & Crafting your Wealth Paradigm

- Vibrating at your Inner Abundant Frequency 


Week 5 🌎 

Awakening Your Voice, Truth & Being SEEN Online 

- Awakening your Throat, Voice & Speaking your Truth

- Being SEEN Online & Offline

- Your Messaging & Your WHY


Week 6 🌎 

Higher Self Connection

- Your New World Paradigm for Success, Abundance & Money

- Power of Prayer & Universe Connection

- 5D New Earth Self Connection


Bonus Content 🧡

- How to Discover your Life's Purpose Masterclass

- 2 Empowering Shamanic Breathwork Sessions with Shamanic Guide Rebe

- How to Create your Offering to Start Creating a Profitable Spiritual Business 




Life-Time Access

  • 6 video recordings ranging from 1-2 hours on Purpose, Inner Power, Wealth & Birthing the New YOU
  • Shamanic journeys, Subconscious Mind Reprogramming & Power Activation 
  • 2 Shamanic Breathwork Sessions to Reclaim your Inner Fire & Clear Blockages
  • Online Community Group to connect with others in WEALTH CODES & to share your stories, purpose, power
  • Life-time Access to Course portal with every Weekly recording & material 
Claim your Spot

Wealth Codes 6 Week Program

 Online Recordings ready for you to access TODAY!