


Unlock your Inner Power, Attract Abundance & Connect with Universal Guidance in just THREE WEEKS

Join the 21 Day Abundance Challenge!

Join this life-changing program to awaken your power, create limitless abundance & speak the language of the Universe through Nervous System Expansion


The problem is most people feel deeply unsafe with money.


In the Abundance Activation Portal we are cutting every belief or attachment to anything that does not support the understanding that ABUNDANCE and WEALTH is our purest birthright!


Week #1 Activating and Connecting to the Energy of Power

Equip yourself with techniques to activate and align with your abundance frequency.

What we will be doing 

- The Law of Creation (Activating the Masculine and Feminine Within)

- The 5 Abundance Laws of the Universe

- Group Power Activation

- The Power of Self Concept

- The New Earth Wealth Paradigm

- Abundance Activation Journey 

- 21 Day Abundance Challenge


Week #2 Falling in LOVE with Money..

Stretching our Nervous Systems to Feel SO open, safe and nourished with money.

 What we will be doing 

- Re-defining your Realtionship to Money

- Creating a new pathway in the brain and heart to feel love with money

- Opening your Heart to Welcome Money in

- Stretching your Nervous System to feel safe in an Abundance of Money

- Connecting to the Abundance Frequency

- 21 Day Abundance Challenge 



Week #3 BONUS Shamanic Breathwork to Activate your Abundance Codes

My dear friend Rebe will be guiding YOU on a powerful journey to activate your Abundance Codes and Wealth within.

What we will be doing

- Shamanic Guided Breathwork with the Intention of Activating our Inner Abundance & Wealth  

Week #4 Becoming your Future Self

Enhance your connection to the infinite nature of the Universe and your future self. Embodying the frequency of abundance to attract it in.

What we will be doing

- Connecting to the Infinite Self 

- Speaking the Language of Energy, Frequency & Vibration

- Law of Oneness, that all things in this Universe are equal

- Receiving Clarity on your 2.0 Self

- Quantum Leaping into your New Abundant World

- 21 Day Abundance Challenge


Tuning into the Abundance Frequency 


Before I discovered the Abundance Frequency I juggled multiple minimum wage jobs, dreading each shift and often breaking down in tears. With no high school diploma, I felt trapped and fell into a deep depression, seeing no way out of the cycle of low-paying jobs.


The turning point came when I stumbled across the Abundance Frequency and started doing Abundance Activation work.


In just six months, my life radically changed. I moved across the world, started working for myself, and began earning six figures in a business I created. My life became an adventure, filled with travel and newfound freedom.


And so The Abundance Activation Portal was created as it is now your turn.. ✨🔱

I’m In!

Old Price €967 ❌

Now Only €367 ✅

Best deal!

  • 4 Group Power Activations & Mentoring Sessions (1.5/2 hours each)
  • Lifetime Access to the 4 Recordings 
  • 21 Day Abundance Challenge & Daily Content
  • Bonus - Connect to your Spirit Guides Meditation
  • Bonus - PDF’s, Posters’ Phone Wallpapers
  • Bonus - Daily Abundance Activation
  • Bonus - White Light Power Activation
  • Bonus - Shamanic Breathwork Activation Call 
  • Access to the Abundance Activation Telegram Community Group