1:1 Inner Bloom Mentorship

More Purpose, Power & Pleasure💧

Are you craving an intimate 1:1 container with the highest level support where you can discover your life purpose, bloom into your highest self and make your juicy desires a reality through Quantum Healing, Somatic Tools, Shamanic Healing & Life Design Strategy. 

Book a discovery Call

For the Women craving an embodied way of life that feels delicious and expansive..

I believe in order to make our biggest dreams a reality we must cultivate an anchor of rich power within us in order to build the foundation of what we want on top of it..

Otherwise it is like building a house on sand.. Doesn't look very pretty after 10 minutes..

To live embodied, exuding juicy magnetic energy and passion for life you must reclaim your rich source of power. And lucky for you this is all done for you in Inner Bloom Mentorship.

When a Woman regains her inner power and purpose through her body and mind she becomes unstoppable to the Universe.

We move through clarifying your deepest desires and then getting rid of everything in the way of that.. Through Quantum healing, Womb & Yoni healing, Somatic work and Shamanic Healing.

Through my psychic abilities I can see immediately what is blocking you. Within the first few moments of speaking with you. Whether it is your inner child screaming for attention, anxiety harboured from another lifetime, poverty consciousness blinding you from success, your inner teenager not being loved. I get to the root of this immediately and start clearing the way for your new life.

Through this I can facilitate the highest level of support and healing for you to receive deep transformation in yourself, your bank account, relationship status & health. 

It truly is all possible for you on the other side of Inner Bloom..

Let me hold you, see you, hear you and allow you to be transformed every step of the way through loving support. Because you deserve it.

1:1 Inner Bloom Mentorship

🕊 4 Month Mentorship - First Month is Uncommitted

🕊 3 Calls A Month (2 hours per call) and One Week for you to Integrate

🕊 Texting & Voice Message Support - Monday to Friday via WhatsApp

🕊 Feminine Embodiment & Empowerment Tools, Shamanic Healing & Psychic Readings

🕊 4 Crafted Modules around your Desires, Goals & Empowerment


 *Disclaimer through Discovery Call & Psychically seeing what you need I will craft the Modules to fit your personal desires and goals

Inner Bloom Call Modules

🦋 Module 1 - Power Activation

Clarity on your desires, healing patterns of self destruction & activating your inner power

🦋 Module 2 - Crafting your Reality

Anchoring your morning practise, taking daily ctions, manifestation energetic strategy & becoming the NEW you

🦋 Module 3 - The High Value Woman

Embodying self worth, self love & reclamation of your power, purpose & pleasure

🦋 Module 4 - Feminine Embodiment Manifestation

Learning how to speak your desires with confidence, receive pleasure and support yourself with an empowering tool kit for life


🌺 This is an energetic investment of €1,250 per month for 4 months. First month is non committal so you can truly see the results for yourself..

Book a discovery call below to see if we would be a good fit to work together. 

Book a discovery call